Project Description
Tokyo, known for its high urbanization, has residents actively seeking tranquil spaces for rest. This BLDG, situated in Aoyama Tokyo, is designed to provide spaces for reset and renewal.
The BLDG is made up of curvilinear spaces and features, intricately integrated into a rectilinear structure. On the ground level, a playful landscape is designed to encourage a seamless flow of movement. The top level is dedicated to seamless meditation pods, designed to serve as sensory deprivation rooms. These pods aim to shield occupants from the city’s noise while enhancing internal serenity. The meditation pods puncture the roof and are fitted with skylights that serve as the sole source of illumination, creating a contemplative interior ideally suited for meditation activities.
By using design components as layers, the BLDG orchestrates a gradual withdrawal from the bustling city, both visually and acoustically. These layers become transitional spaces, serving as areas for preparing individuals for the intended meditation activities within the building.
The BLDG achieves a distinctive dichotomy, existing as a serene structure nestled within the vibrant and noisy backdrop of the city.