Il Filarete—"On the Origins of Architecture"
Victor F. Christ-Janer—"Constituent Imagery"
Jak Katalan—"The Act of Building and That of Being"
Werner Blaser—"Buildings of Stone: Statics as Aesthetics"
Karsten Harries—"The Dream of the Complete Building"
Kent Bloomer—"The Personality of a Ruin"
Kent Bloomer—"Alfombres de Asserrin"
David L. Leavengood—"The Green Meadow Ranch"
William Ferris—"The Dog Trot: A Regional Home and Its Builder"
Clarence John Laughlin—"Men and Buildings: American Victoriana"
Giancarlo de Carlo—"An Architecture of Participation"
Ralph Kirkpatrick—"On Concert Halls: Conversations with Ralph Kirkpatrick"