Elizabeth Moule

Elizabeth Moule

Robert A.M. Stern Visiting Professor in Classical Architecture

Moule’s career includes architecture, urbanism, real estate development and education. A native of Pasadena, California, she holds a M.Arch. from Princeton University, a B.A. from Smith College in Art History and Government, and attended the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in New York City.

She is a cofounder of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), a national organization aimed at integrating aesthetic, social, environmental, economic and policy aspects of urbanism, and is an emeritus member of its Board of Directors. A founding partner of Moule & Polyzoides, Architects and Urbanists, she is a national leader in environmental sustainability and designed one of the greenest buildings in the world, the Robert Redford Building for the Natural Resources Defense Council in Santa Monica, California. She recently coauthored the CNU’s Canons of Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, companion to the Charter of the New Urbanism. Ms. Moule’s experience ranges from the design of educational, institutional, commercial and civic buildings to historic rehabilitation, housing, campus planning and large urban design projects at all scales.

A frequently invited public speaker, she has been published in The Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Dwell and Residential Architect and has contributed articles to many books and periodicals, including The Nikkei Shimbun, The Los Angeles Forum, The Charter for the New Urbanism and The Seaside Tapes.

Liz has taught on an invited guest teaching basis at several universities including the University of Miami, University of Washington, and USC among others. This year she’ll be teaching at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm and has been appointed the Robert A. M. Stern Visting Professor in Classical Architecture at Yale University.

Moule & Polyzoides is the winner of nine Congress for the New Urbanism Charter Design Awards. They are also the recipients of the Seaside Prize (1998) and the Institute of Art & Architecture 2015 Arthur Ross Award for Community and Civic Design.

BA Smith College
MArch Princeton University


Spring 2018
Advanced Design Studio: Moule
Elizabeth Moule, George Knight