Jessica Zhou: How do we exert control over the uncontrollable? How can the uncontrollable become an organic part of the planning process?
I experimented on finding a way to work with autonomous conditions by producing a seemingly arbitrary order of patterns and experimenting with its self-regulating capacities. The architect is able to determine spatial rules and structural principles in this field of indeterminacy.
The constructed field condition gives a hierarchy of accessibility as well as flexibility among different parts of the meditation center + public markets complex. On the contrary to how the public market in the East originates itself around a central gathering space, the meditation center consists of a hierarchy of courtyard-centered units. Each unit is exclusive to the outside in a way that they only have direct access to the courtyard; different units from different courtyards share no visual and physical contact. This is to ensure a sense of collective among smaller groups and a sense of privacy from the exterior.