Reframing Brazil
Examinando arquitetura como um sistema complexo, como forma ao invés de contornos vazios de significado, propomos uma discussão indisciplinar e multi-escalar. De forma a considerar como a produção de arquitetura é jungida à codificação de recursos humanos e não-humanos, torna-se imperativo desvelar as estruturas de poder por detrás desse processo.
Reframing Brazil oferece um panorama crítico incompleto de uma lógica de produção e consumo, operativa em escala local e global. Propõe-se tornar visível essa lógica subjacente, retornando à cadeia material, reconstruindo seus processos e tornando visível as abstrações que são sua essência. Esse trabalho contesta a alienação do edifício finalizado de seus territórios de extração neocolonial, expondo que paisagens são abandonadas.
É um processo inacabado: uma plataforma colaborativa que discute possibilidades para a emancipação humana para além de identidades e fronteiras nacionais. Questões pertinentes à natureza material da arquitetura são levantadas: Como representar as camadas de extração de um projeto edificado? Quem narra esta história e para quem? Além do plano material, desenhos ilustram condições no Brasil que, apesar de serem relacionadas a lugares específicos, podem ser encontradas em outras partes do mundo.
Os desenhos projetam uma subversão de sociedades colonizadoras universalizantes, ao passo que se apropriam de seu etos para se tornarem seu negativo. Filmes e Projetos colocam propostas de diversos autores em diálogo. Entrevistas associam discussões atuais, ensaiando formas de ação. E a arrecadação possibilitará outros resultados práticos. Através de múltiplos sujeitos, ilustra-se fenômenos e abstrações para uma discussão sobre os significados do edificado como materialização da forma arquitetônica.
Examining architecture as an entangled system, as form rather than meaningless shapes, a multi scalar, interdisciplinary discussion is proposed. In order to consider how the production of architecture is yoked to the commodification of human and non-human resources, it becomes imperative to unveil the power structures behind this process.
Reframing Brazil offers an incomplete critical panorama of a logic of production and consumption, which operates at a local and a global scale. Visualizing this underlying logic, one returns to the start of the material chain, rewinding its processes and making visible the essential abstractions at their core. This work contests the alienation of the final building from its territories of neocolonial extraction, exposing which landscapes are left behind.
It is an unfinished process: a collaborative platform that discusses possibilities towards human emancipation beyond national identities or state borders. Questions regarding the material nature of architecture are raised: How to represent the layers of extraction that a built project underpins? Who narrates this story and for whom? Beyond the material plane, drawings illustrate conditions in Brazil, which despite their ties to specific places, can be found in other parts of the world.
The drawings project a subversion of universalizing settler societies by appropriating their ethos and revealing its negative. Films and Projects bring propositions from diverse authors into dialog. Interviews bridge the discussion with the present moment, rehearsing potential forms of action. And the fundraising enables manifold practical outcomes. Through multiple subjects, the research illustrates phenomena and abstractions towards a discussion on the meanings of building as the materialization of architectural form.
Reframing Brazil is the first research project created by Brazilian architects and designers at the Yale School of Architecture. This ongoing research, led by Leonardo Serrano Fuchs (M.Arch ‘20), was part of the homonymous exhibition at the Yale School of Architecture’s North Gallery in the Spring and Summer 2021, from the 20th of March until the 31st of July. The exhibition was the first bilingual English-Portuguese show held at YSoA and encompassed a series of six large-scale 60x60“ drawings that could be contemplated both as wholes and in their detailed parts as the visitors navigated freely through a grid set in the space of the North Gallery. A video-collage included award winning movies and short documentaries by independent Brazilian producers.
More news about the project can be found at, encompassing also a series of interviews carried out with leading Brazilian architects, museum directors, cultural critics and Yale faculty at large.
Exhibition Credits
Leonardo Serrano Fuchs M.Arch ‘20
Laura Pappalardo M.E.D '21
Nathalie Ventura M.Arch PUC-RJ '21
Curatorial Assistant:
Luiza Serrano Fuchs B.Arch PUC-RJ '23
Graphic Design:
Ana Lobo MFA '21
The Yale MacMillan Center
Yale School of Architecure Exhibitions Fund
The TSAI Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale
La Casa Cultural
Institutional Partners:
Yale School of Architecture
YSoA ISAA International Students & Alumni Association
Special Thanks To:
Alexander Kellner, Ana Carolina Tonetti, Alison Walsh, Andrew Benner, Carla Juaçaba, Contracondutas / Escola da Cidade, Dean Deborah Berke, Esther da Costa Meyer, Ligia V. Nobre, Marilene Ribeiro, Pedro Arantes, Sunil Bald