Exhibition Credits

April 6, 2023 – May 26, 2023

Artificial Forest

This exhibition is an attempt to unearth the poetic spirituality of the natural object within industrialized nature, with a focus on our most familiar of these, the tree.

Exhibits of furniture and sculpture focus on either tree as a collective, forest, in relation to the urban and artificial forest, or the tree as a material, wood, in relation to industrial and synthetic material. The artists inject emotion and labor into them to showcase the objects’ potential to express themselves.

Rather than critiquing the status quo or advocating to reverse it, the exhibition reflects reality metaphorically and looks for ways to appreciate it. Pieces are situated in a gridded artificial forest of 2× lumber, accompanied by poems from the object’s perspective.

Exhibition Credits

Curated by Owen Wang, Ariel Bintang, Paddy Mittag-McNaught, and Val Zhao.

Poster design by Cindy Duan.