Selecting ‘wallpaper’ or organizing files on a ‘desktop’ are familiar acts that can either take place on our digital devices
or in our living rooms. Across split windows, we restlessly click, swipe and oscillate between digital and physical space.
Screens are now an inescapable agent of order and disruption that we rely on and mistrust. As their frames disappear,
the boundary between viewer and subject becomes uncomfortably close. Harnessing the ways we interpret information
today, the work of Abigail Chang’s eponymous practice is enacted from a frame, rendered through a window or
materialized on a screen. Abigail will present concepts from her essays, “Screen Time” and “Double Vision,” published
by the Window Research Institute, and their translation into her recent work, including “Display Window,” a site-specific
installation at the Design Museum of Chicago, and “Reflections of a Room,” a solo exhibition at Volume Gallery.
Image Credit: Abigail Chang