Clay is a material that changes dramatically as it dries and even moreso if it is fired. Clay’s ability to flow through the extruder of the printer is also tied to how wet the clay body is. A clay body will eventually match the humidity of the environment its exposed to, and this process can be sped up by heating. A clay body that is equal parts clay/water by volume (a good ratio for smooth flow) will shrink by as much as 15% in any dimension as it dries to the humidity of the studio air. If fired, it’s likely to shrink another 5-10% in any dimension from its initial size. This shrinkage can be hard to anticipate, and is rarely even. In extreme cases it may cause parts to break during drying or firing.
Please keep in mind that while you can fire a green or dried part, the YSoA does not currently have a kiln set up for firing our clay.