Archive of MED Research

Archive of MED Research


Brunno Douat
To Open A Clearing: Cultivating Spaces of Endurance in the Upper Amazon
Advisor: Ana Maria Duran Calisto

George Papamatthaiakis (Papamattheakis)
Operation Summer Care: Territories of the stewardship-hospitality complex
Advisor: Keller Easterling

Juliana Biancardine
Overseeing Amazonia: Environmental Media of Brazilian Grounds
Advisor: Keller Easterling



Cayce Davis
Continuous Extremes: Architecture of Uncertainty in Poland.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Laura Pappalardo
Mapping Grounds for Reparations in Jaraguá Peak.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Mary Carole Overholt
Space-Praxis: Towards a Feminist Politics of Design.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Alexander Kim
The Weight of a Selfie: Influence, Interface, & Invitation in the Image Economy.”
Advisor: Brennan Buck.


Holly M. Anderson Bushman
Heimat im Wartezimmer: Architecture, Identity, and Migration in a Socialist Model City.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.


Jia Weng
Waste in the Water Machine.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Shuyi Yin
Preservation at War: Cultural Heritage and Its Media.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.



Geneva Morris
Life in One Room: Small Space Living Typologies, 1940-2015.”
Advisor: Elihu Rubin.

Shivani Shedde
Making (In)visible: Spatial Governance in Kolar Gold Fields, 1873-2016.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Preeti Talwai
Self, Space, Screen: Embodied Relationships in Hybrid Retail Environments.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.


Benyameen Ghareeb
Housing Crisis in Kuwait: Toward a Viable Alternative.”
Advisor: Todd Reisz.

Eric Rogers
The New Deal and ‘The Economy.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Andrew Ruff
Architecture of the Unknown Symbols, Projections, and Speculative Worlds.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Brent Sturlaugson
Housing Power on Pine Ridge Reservation.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.


Anuj Daga
Traversing Geographies.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Ayeza Qureshi
Mapping Power: the Political Instrumentality of the Map in Karachi.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Britton Rogers
Obsolescence or Renewal: New Haven Confronts De-Industrialization at Long Wharf.”
Advisor: Elihu Rubin.

Daniel Snyder
Ornament: to love, seduce, submit.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Jessica Varner
“Co-Evolution Quarterly: Ecology, Exchange and Expertise.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.


Saga Blane
XS: Diary of an artist collaborative.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Juana Salcedo
Taming El Dorado: Planning Misadventures in the Venezuelan Guana, 1951-1964.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.


Eero Puurunen
Assessing Environmental Sustainability of Urban Plans. Case Study Helsinki.”
Advisor: Michelle Addington.

David Rinehart, 2011 - “Ambientismo and the Modern Style in the Architecture of Marcello Piacentini.”
Advisor: Stanislaus von Moos.

Jimmy Stamp
“Architecture in Media Rez.”
Advisor: Emmanuel Petit.


Nathan Bright
“Architecture of Movement. The drawings of Peter Cook and Bernard Tschumi, 1973-81.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Caglar Tombus Ozlem
National Identity, Power and Architectural Culture: Three Cases in Ankara and Istanbul.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

David Sadighian
Informing Publics: Museums, Mass Media, Informatics, 1964-1977.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Zachary White
Transformations of Home: Chicago Architecture as Fairy Tale, 1976 - 1980.”
Advisor: Emmanuel Petit.


Olga Pantelidou, 2009
Transaction Space: Architecture, Banking, Law, and Technology.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Iben Falconer, 2009
Architecture Nation: Branding Denmark through Architecture.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Luke Cohen, 2009
Topologies: Art and Architecture Discourses in and out of Minimalism.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.


Kathleen John-Adler
“Ecological Humanism: Ian McHarg and Design with Nature.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Alan Brake, 2008
Wanderer Amid Ruins: Reflections on W.G. Sebald’s Urban Vision.”
Advisor: Dietrich Neumann.

Elizabeth Bishop
The Infrastructure of Empire: London’s Liquid Networks.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.


Enrique Ramirez
Built to Destroy.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Federica Vannucchi
Superstudio: Discorsi Per Immagini.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Molly Steenson
The Architecture is the Sketch.”
Advisor: Emmanuel Petit.

Britt Eversole
Progetto e Impero.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

McLain Clutter
Imagineering New York.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.


Leslie Ryan
Seeing through Water. Waster and Forgetfulness in Olin’s Pine Swamp, Hamden, Connecticut.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Frida Rosenberg
“Shifting Identity in Swedish Urban Structure from Folkhemmet to Globalization.”
Advisor: Emmanuel Petit.

Sara Stevens
Systems of Retail: The Bigger Box.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Joy Knoblauch
Architecture and Contingent Subjectivity. Robin Evans’ Theories and Designs, 1963-1982.”
Advisor Peggy Deamer.



Brad Walters
The Maintenance of Modernity: Cleaning Postwar Paris, 1944-54.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Michael Lee Poy
Own Earth. A biography of the earth in black narratives.”
Advisor: Hazel V. Carby.

Li-Han Hong
Observing Shadows.”
Advisor: Lauren Kogod.

Valerie Casey
The Museum’s Object. An analysis of contemporary museology.”
Advisor: Sandy Isenstadt.

Kanu Agarwal
“Ahmedabad: Media Portraits.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.


Hope Svenson
Modern Visions: Visionary Architecture at the Museum of Modern Art, 1960.”
Advisor: Sandy Isenstadt.

Fatma Neyran Turan
Detecting Latent Landscapes.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Simone Brott
Subjectivizations: Deleuze and Architecture.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.


Chris Wellman
“Towards a New Christian Architecture.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Joseph P. Ferrucci
“Italy on the Move: The Role of the Railway Under Fascism.”
Advisor: Christy Anderson.

Ralph Bagley
“Adventures in Airporting.”


Cyrus Subawalla
““RITA” And Indian’s Perspective on Dwelling.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Pamela McGirr
“Architectural Theatrics: 20t Century Scripts.”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Chieh-Chyi Lin
“Building a “Chinese” Legacy: Architecture in Post World War II Taiwan, 1945-1995.”
Advisor: Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen.

Roy Kozlovsky
“Zionist Planning. From Script to Statehood (1896-1956).”
Advisor: Keller Easterling.

Kay Edge
“Consuming Typologies: Airport, Arena and the Calculus of Retail.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

AnnMarie Brennan
“The Ambiguous Size of a 10 oz. Can.”
Advisor: Lauren Kogod.


Jacqueline M. Ivy
“Constructing and Exhibit: Where Film and Exhibition Design Intersect.”
Advisors: Peggy Deamer (primary), Brigitte Peucker (secondary)

Brendan D. Moran “Ernesto N. Rogers’ Casabella-continuita: The Emergence of Themed Issues.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Erik Vogt
“The Stillpoint Garden”
Advisor: Patrick Pinnell.


Anne Bernard
“Surface Sounding: Navigating Fluid Organizations.”
Advisor: Laura Kurgan.

Rosemarie Buchanan
“Uncovering the Discrepancies Between Rhetoric and Practice: Koolhaas’ Campus center at Mies’ IIT.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Elisbeth Colwell
“The Role of Working Drawings in Architectural Practice, 1830-1930”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Dean S. Sakamoto
“Interim Sites. An Urban Art and Architecture Project.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Anne Raleigh Perkins
“Reflections of the City. Transformations in Quattrocento Urbanism and the City of Urbino.”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer.

Charles Wittock
“Architects Can Built a Network but can the Network Build?”
Advisor: Peggy Deamer (primary) Robert S. Frew, Laura Kurgan (secondary)


George Michael Fletcher
Advisor: Karsten Harries


David A. Thurman
“Letatlin and a Myth of Organic Transformation.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.


Thomas B. Forget
“Virtual Obscura. Cinema and the City.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.

David Henderson Haney
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Peter Soland
“Notes from Orange Street. Figuring in the American City.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.


Andrew Holmes
“City Lights. An Urban Tragedy in Four Acts.”
Advisor: Patrick Pinnell.

Stuart Brodsky

Joy Wulke
“Tow Years at Yale.”

Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen
“Achtung Architektur! Study on Contemporary European Architecture – The Austrian Connection.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries

Edward B. Samuel
“Myth and Architecture.”
Advisor: Kent Bloomer


I-Fei Chang
“Architectural Notations: Reconception and Redirection.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Andrew Anker
“Projecting into Space: Western Landscape Stereographs and the Victorian Interior.”

Andrew Meyers

David Perkes

J. Douglas Bootes
“The Language of Craftmanship in Industrial Design.”
Advisor: Patrick Pinnell


Kelly Carlson-Reddig
“Intention and Materiality in the texts of Gottfried Semper and Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.

Marion Converse Winkler
“Rebuilding the Suburbs: a Case Study of North Branford, Connecticut.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.

Christin Magar

Converse Winkler


David M. Becker
“Stimulation Versus Contemplation in American Architecture and Drama.”

Joseph William Moore
“Leon Battista Alberti: Building in the House of Saturn.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.

Linda Staler-Talty
“Reclaiming Lost City Fragments.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.


Daniel Naegele
“Rowe’s Erection: A Private Proscenium and the Elliptic Illustrations of College City.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus.

Peter J. Siegrist
“Accelerating the Adoption of Energy-Conserving Technology in the Construction Industry.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.

Debra Lynn Coleman
“Escape from Arbitrariness.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.


Lisa Weidemann Baldauf
“Fritz Eldon Baldauf: Career and Designs in America, 1925-1945.”


Richard Ezra Delaney
“Architectural Programming for Theatres.”
Advisor: William Warfel (principal) Peter Millard (secondary).

Mark Linder
“Architecture or Edification. Architectural Theory and the New Pragmatism of Richard Rorty.”
Advisor: Alan Plattus (principal) Kent Bloomer, Cornel West (secondary).

William Brian Marquard
“Maybeck’s Christian Science Church.”

Jennifer Whitley Smith
“Politics and Professionalism: The Making of the Connecticut Capitol, 1872-1879.”
Advisor:Kent Bloomer (principal) George Hersey (secondary)

Elizabeth Benson Swenson
“Transitional Housing.”


Gretchen Breese
“Beliefs and the Symbolic Potential of Material Forms.”
Advisor: Louis Dupre

Hwa-Fong Wang
“Body, Ontology and Architecture.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.


Lisa Broudy
“The Art Museum and its Architecture.”
Advisor: Susan P. Castenas.

Timothy Culvahouse
“Materiality and Architectural Criticism.”
Advisor: Alexander Purves.

Richard Lanier
“Landmarks of the Vertical City.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.


Bruce Coldham
“Sustainable Communities: Strategies for design.”
Advisor: Donald Watson

Richard Munday
“Architecture and Writing.”
Advisor: J. Hilllis Miller.

Vincent Rotge
“Dynamics of Zoning of Central City Revitalization.”
Advisor: Walter De S. Harris.


Frederick Groen
“The Nature of Romantic Ornament.”
Advisor: Kent Bloomer.

Kamin Blair
“Boomtown: Architecutre, Urbanism, and Power in Downtown Houston.”
Advisor: Donald Watson (principal), Vincent Scully (secondary).

Jeffrey J. Monroy
“Architecture as Re-Presentation: A Critique of Contemporary Classicism.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.


Enrique Larranaga
“Towards an Architectural Theory of Dwelling in Hispanic-America.”
Advisor: Walter De S. Harris.

David R Fojo
“Development Decision Making With Emphasis on Housing.”
Advisor: Richard Behr.


Charles Joseph DeLisio
“Energy Exchanges Through the Building Envelope.”
Advisor: Everett Barber.

Raymond R. Glover
“Architectural Design for Daylighting through Windows.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.

Renee Russo R.
“Citizen Participation in the Improvement of the American Urban Environment.”
Advisor: Walter De S. Harris.


Robert J. Haisley
“Solar Chimney Theory as Applied to Building Ventilation and Air Condition.”
Advisor: Everett Barber, Jr. and Herman Krinsky.

Pirkko-Liisa Louhenjoki
“The Search for a New architecture in America and Finland at the Turn of the Century.”
Advisor: Vincent Scully.

Margaret Waihan Liu
“Technology and Housing in Developing Countries.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.


G. Peyton Hall
“Historical Preservation.”
Advisor: Walter De S. Harris.

Joseph F. Piertz
“Community-Based Housing for Persons With Disabilities.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.

Kathrine H. Reynolds
“Submerged Link Housing: Towards an Energy-Efficient Alternative.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.


David Rejeski


Judith M. Capen
“Instructional Skills for Architectural Educators.”
Advisor: Robert S. Frew.

Kathleen A. Dunne
“Investigation into Foundation Practices for Housing.”
Advisor: Herman D.J. Spiegel.

Paul D. Edmeades
“Embodied Energy: A Tool in Analyzing Building and Urban Form.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.

L. Hawkins Mitchell
“SOHO a case study in Environmental Imagery.”

Julia Ruch
“Computer Aided Space Layout Solutions.”

Toni Nathaniel Harp
“Black Housing Conditions.”
Advisor: Walter De S. Harris.


Muthana Jamel Al-Bayaty
“Proposals for new Housing Designs in Iraq.”
Advisor: Donald Watson.

Hideo Saijo
“Plan Type Study.”
Advisor: Robert S. Frew.


Gavin H. Litfin
“Central City Renewal: The U.S. Experience 1949 to 1976.”
Advisor: Karsten Harries.

Douglas R. Rosen
“Activity Orientation and the Perception of Environmental Surfaces.”
Advisor: Gary Winkel.

John Spear
“Observations on the Development of a User-Responsive Urban Housing Archetype.”


Michael Benedikt
“The Information Field.”

Margaret Goglia
“Physical Environment Organization Dynamics.”

Kazuhiro Ishii

Rye Loope
“Energy use and strategy in the built environment.”

Jala Makhzoumi
“Some Aspects of the Urbanization Process in Iraq.”

Hervin Romney
“A Study of some aspects of the relation between culture and the dwelling with a view to architectural design theory.”

Hughes Thompson
“Influences of Public Decision Making on Urban Development.”


Philippe Campus
“An Inquiry into a Research Method of Cognition Processes of Architectural Space.”

Nasrine Faghih
“Elements of Urban Analysis.”

John Hart
“Teaching Space Concepts to Primary School Children.”

Raymond Matela
“Simplex Sigillum Veri.”

Hanna Shapira
“A Procedure for Generating Floor Plans Computer Aided Design.”

Josef Stagg
“Human and Environmental Development Through Creativity and Problem Solving.”

Peter Clegg


Arthur Duncan
“The Political Economy of Urban Development.”

Marie-Christine Gangneux

Francois Guerin
“Form Order and Design.”

Theodore Landsmark

Sandy Moore
“Experiencing Architecture.”

Jenkins Washington
“Industrialization of Housing.”

Louise Meusel


Nils Bruumn

John Delgado

Norma Hurt

Robert McClendon

Christopher Oji

Keiichi Okamoto

David Parish

Robert Rindler

Leon Vaughn


Virginia Carroll

Sam Davis
“Studey on Architecture Education.”

Dexter Bruce

David Garber

Kunihiko Hayakawa

Jack Matthews

Paul Peters

Paul Sparis

William Street

Mikiro Takagi

Michael Utsey

Judy Wolin


Davis Buckley

George Bumbray

K Carbajal

Jaime Guzman

Toni Harp

Clinton Helvey

Gary Mahaffey

Ivey Nix

Carl Safe

Merlin Shelstad
“A Conceptual Framework for Environmental Design.”


Patricia Apps

John Badman

Albert Barokas

Michael Bignell
“A Process of Reurbanization Studies of the Urban Environment.”

Peter Corrigan

Jeffrey Gault

Raymond Kaskey

James Peoples

Douglas Southworth

Ernest Van Purnell


Donald Watson